How can we help you?

Booking terms

  • Will travel from Mornington, Melbourne to Manchester or Milan for the right show! Contact Luke for quotes for work based outside of Melbourne, Australia.

    Any job within 30kms of Melbourne CBD doesn’t require a travel fee.

  • Yes, we write the questions! Luke guarantees a fun night for your guests, and a few Australian Idol questions thrown in for good measure.

    • $500 for 2.5 hours within 30km of Melbourne CBD

    • Further travel can be negotiated at a different cost

    • No limit on team size etc

    • Customisation of themes/questions available at additional cost

  • Luke’s creative partners, Adore Handel and FourTune can also be booked through this site. Enquire below for all services.

    Price for Drag, Cabaret, Acting and Singing will be set by the producer/based on the gig and negotiated based on work required.

  • To secure a booking, a 25% deposit will be required.

    In the case of a cancellation within 7 days of the event date, the 25% deposit will be forfeited and not returned.

  • Fill out the ‘Enquiry form’ below with all the details to get us started.

    Within 2 business days of the enquiry, Luke will contact you via email or phone call discussing timings, quotes, offers and to lock in a date!

Contact Luke.

Just want a chinwag? Reach out by submitting a contact form and we’ll be in touch.

Otherwise, let’s be Instagram friends.